Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lunging Exercise #1

This may seem like a pretty basic lunging exercise, but it really helps to build muscle on any horse, not just a thoroughbred. This will also help him to pay attention and keeps his mind on his task.

What you need:
4 poles.

On a 20m circle, set up the poles directly across from each other in a cross pattern. Lunge your horse. Encourage him with clucks or kisses to really reach with his legs for each pole, rather than settling for a shorter stride approaching. Change the distance of the poles from one another to keep him interested, but keep in mind the distances apart for the canter. Allow one canter stride in between each pole.
Helpful Tip:
Keep lunging sessions, especially when using side reins, short and happy. No more than 20 minutes for a horse in-training. Let him have a long cool down, 10-15 minutes.

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