Sunday, March 9, 2008

Change Your Horse's Bend

What you need:
3 road cones or other point of focus

Set up the cones so that they are in the center of three connected 15-20 meter circles. Warm your horse up, getting a forward trot with a good rhythm. Put him on a 15-20m circle around one of the end circles. After a few circles change direction and move him onto the next circle in the line. Continue circling until he is again moving forward and bending in the correct direction. Hold the circle a few laps and then change direction onto the final circle. Again, circle until he is moving forward and bending in the correct direction.

As you change direction make sure you ask for a change of bend and continue to ask until he gives it to you!

Helpful Tip:
If your horse is resisting your cues to change his bend turn your entire body to look at his inside hip for a few moments or strides. This will help push your body correctly ask him to bend.

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